Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Tribute to Motherhood

No, I am not a mother yet. 

Someday soon I will hopefully get this wonderful opportunity.

But today is not about me. It is about the WOMEN in my life. Not just my very own mother but all the "mothers" I have been blessed to know and love. 

This past weekend I have had a lot of time to reflect on all the life lessons I have learned from the many ladies in my life. I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for all the qualities these women possess that have touched my life in more ways I can count.
I have always liked to look at Mothers Day as more of a Celebration of Womanhood in general. A day where we get to thank all the women who have made a difference and taught us lessons we will never forget. Yes, we all have different situations and different stories that make us who we are. Not one of us have the same circumstances or have the same qualities OR are on the same life journey. Which means Mothers Day can be a difficult day for some of us.

Some of us don’t have mothers around anymore and some of us never really did. Some of us are not yet mothers (or fathers) and some of us might not have that opportunity in this lifetime. Some of us have days where its so hard to be patient and some of us have days that seem hopeless. Some of us are really bad at cooking and some of us just simply CANNOT sew. Some of us absolutely despise doing laundry and some of us are trying our hardest to just keep it together on a daily basis. 


It is very easy, especially on this day, to focus on all the things we are not as women or mothers. To focus on the qualities we aren’t very good at, instead of all the ones we are. We can sometimes focus on blessings that we don’t have and wish we did have, instead of focusing on all the wonderful blessings we DO have! We must focus on the qualities we do have and how we can help those around us.

The truth is...because we are women and daughters of God, we are all mothers and we have always been mothers in all its many forms. Whether we are "mothers" as teachers, cousins, aunts, sisters, friends, leaders...we each have the responsibility to love and lead.

"Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the ESSENCE of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us.”
- Sheri Dew-

So that being said, I wanted to pay tribute to some of the women in my life who have loved and lead me. There are countless qualities I admire in them and that have touched me in some way throughout my life. I hope all women realize they can be “mothers” in some way to those around them. Nobody is perfect in all of these qualities. That’s what makes life beautiful. We NEED each other. You never know whose lives you are touching forever just by being YOU. 

First, Mama Kay. My Belizean momma. This lady is someone who dedicates her life to serving those around her. She would do anything in the world for you and would do it with a smile on her face. She still to this day is one of the funniest ladies I have ever met and I wish so bad I could see her again. Belize is just too far away!
Second, my adopted grandmother Helen. She was a part of our family my entire life and every memory with her were some of my very best. She recently passed away this last fall but led a 97 year life full of love, hard work, service, and laughter. You couldn't help but love every single minute spent with Helen. I feel so blessed to have grown up having her as another grandma in my life. We miss you Helen. Your big hugs, your contagious laugh, your sassy personality, your dance moves, your famous almond roca...but most of all we miss your spirit of joy you brought to everyone around you.

Third, my two beautiful grandmothers. They have always been so loving and have taught me life lessons that will be with me forever. My grandma Sue was always an example of kindness. She truly is one of the most lovely spirits you will ever meet. There isn’t a mean bone in her body. She is so kind and thoughtful and is always thinking about others. She has a heart of gold and you can't help but feel so loved around her. My grandma Joan was always an example of hard work and righteousness. She raised a hard working family and instilled the importance of always standing up for what you believe is right. She also is one of the funniest people and will always make you laugh.

Fourth, my amazing mother in law. This lady is amazing in every way. She has been a light in my life since the day I met her. I admire her strength and constant love for me and everyone around her.  She is one of the most positive people I have ever met and always has so much light she radiates around her. She has had many trials recently in her life but always says "she can never have two bad days in a row"! She faces everything with faith and I truly admire the strong woman she is. I love her a lot.

And finally, my lovely mother. She is my rock and best friend. She has shown me so much love my entire life and is my biggest fan. She is an amazing example of selflessness. Always thinking of others before herself, especially her family. I adore this woman. I truly owe so much of who I am to her. I only hope I can be half the woman she is when I grow up. She is beautiful inside and out.
I LOVE these ladies and am so grateful for all they do for me everyday. I truly am blessed by these women and so many more who have changed my life for good. 

"There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous women.” 
-Russell M. Ballard-  

Happy Mothers Day to all the many different mothers in my life. So grateful for their influence and their love.

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